Tendering Software by CAD Crowd: White Label Tender for Engineering & Construction

Tender & Procurement Software by CAD Crowd: White Label Saves Time on CAD & Construction Companies

by MacKenzie Brown on June 10, 2011

in Hire Contractors,News

Tendering Software for E-tendering and Contract NegotiationsTendering Software by CAD Crowd: White Label Tender Solutions for Engineering, CAD & Construction Companies

The CAD Crowd white-label staffing software is a premium software as a service (SaaS) solution that helps companies find, qualify and tender work for potential contractors and freelancers. Studies show that using a 3rd party system to tender contract work save the buyer 20% on the final value of work. This could save your enterprise hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of the year.
Our Calgary based technology company, has developed a hiring portal software as a service (SaaS) that powers our flagship service cadcrowd.com (a matching service helping companies hire global CAD workers).
This software is more dynamic than the traditional

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